School News

2025-2027 Academic Calendars
Created on May 24th, 2024In April, a survey was sent to staff and stakeholders who had the opportunity to provide input as we prepared the drafting of the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 academic calendars. In May, both the Calendar Committee and the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) each met to review the data collected and to consider the six ideas we were exploring as we looked at the 2025-2027 academic calendars.
- Shifting from late starts to full-day professional learning days
- Incorporating more no school/non-contract days to acknowledge additional holidays
- Early outs before breaks
- Adopting elements of the year-round calendar into the traditional calendar
- Flipping Elementary/Secondary start/end times
- Adding day Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conference times
(Images included below is the data collected from the survey. A PDF report is also available here: 2025- 2027 Academic Calendar Data.)
During the second Calendar Committee meeting in May, it was identified the top priorities were:
- Full Day Professional Learning Dates
- Day Options for Parent/Teacher Conferences
- A) Elements of the Year Round Calendar or B) Early Outs Prior to Breaks
The team has drafted two options for each academic year to incorporate these elements. Draft calendars will be shared in the fall with the opportunity for staff and stakeholders to provide feedback on each calendar option. The calendar committee will review the input regarding the drafts and bring a recommendation to the UCSD Board of Directors in October of 2024.