School News

We need your help! Host students from Japan and Germany
Created on September 24th, 2024UHS is excited to welcome 20 Japanese and 20 German high school students from schools in Japan and Germany, and reestablish our international partnerships! They will be visiting Urbandale in late October (Japanese = October 22–28, German = October 21–November 2) and hosts are needed! This is a great opportunity for families and students to learn about another culture and share their own.
Host families will welcome a student into their home for about a week, sharing family traditions, customs, and food, as well as provide transportation to the high school and activities. We encourage families to show guest students what life is like in the U.S. through games, movies, hobbies, and other activities and interests. Japanese and German students would attend Urbandale High School during the day with planned field trips to Living History Farms and the Iowa State Capitol.
Please contact Mr. Boris Bachmann (Japanese) or Dr. Scott Seeger (German) for more information!