School News

We Want Your Input: 2025-2027 Academic Calendars
Created on September 9th, 2024During the spring of 2024, we collected feedback on various potential ideas and shared the survey results in May of 2024. The Calendar Committee consisting of Urbandale staff and administrators and the School Improvement Advisory Committee, has since had the opportunity to explore these ideas.
Priorities Identified from Staff and Stakeholder Survey:
- Ending the school year by Memorial Day.
- 10-day winter break
- Having the Friday off Before Spring Break
In addition, new concepts or ideas from staff and stakeholders were identified during the Spring of 2024 survey
- Full-day professional learning dates instead of late start Mondays
- Day Options for Parent-Teacher Conferences in addition to evening options
- Elements of the Year Round Calendar added to the Traditional Calendar or Early Outs Before Breaks
We are now excited to present two draft versions of the academic calendars that reflect the input we received. As we continue to plan for the upcoming academic years, we are reaching out to gather valuable feedback, on the draft versions of the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 academic calendars.
Key Features of the Two Draft Versions:
- No Late Starts on Mondays: This version eliminates late starts on Mondays and instead incorporates full-day, no-school days dedicated to teacher professional learning.
This Versions Also Includes:
- Early Dismissals Before Breaks: If we have a full week of school, there will be early outs before a break.
- Early Outs for Conferences: Early dismissals are planned to allow for parent-teacher conferences to take place during the day in addition to evening options that will continue to be offered.
Version Two:
- Late Starts on Mondays: This version retains the current practice of having late starts on Mondays for teacher professional development.
This Versions Also Includes:
- Early Dismissals Before Breaks: If we have a full week of school, there will be early outs before a break.
- Early Outs for Conferences: Early dismissals are planned to allow for parent-teacher conferences to take place during the day in addition to evening options that will continue to be offered.
We Want Your Input!
Please take a few moments to complete the poll sent via email to staff and families to indicate your preference for either Version One or Version Two.
Following the survey, the Calendar Committee will review feedback and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors in October. Your input is crucial in helping create a calendar that best supports students, staff, and families.
Thank you for your continued partnership and engagement in this important process. We look forward to receiving your feedback.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Academic Calendar
- When can the school calendar begin and end?
Based on Iowa Code, The school calendar should start no earlier than August 23 and no later than the first Monday in December. - Can graduating seniors be excused from instructional days?
Yes, graduating seniors may be excused for up to five days or 30 hours of instruction after they have met the school or district’s graduation requirements. They are also not required to make up snow days added to the regular school calendar if they have fulfilled local graduation requirements. - How many instructional days or hours are required for students in grades 1-12?
Schools must ensure that there are 180 student days or 1,080 hours of instruction for grades 1-12. - What happens if part of the school (elementary or secondary) is closed?
If either an elementary or secondary attendance center is closed, the time missed must be made up later in the school calendar to meet the minimum 180-day requirement. - Does lunch count as instructional time?
No, lunch breaks do not count as instructional minutes. - Are parent-teacher conferences or field trips considered instructional days?
Yes, school is considered in session during parent-teacher conferences and during field trips if students are engaged in programs or activities under the guidance of instructional staff. - What are the requirements for schools with year-round calendars (KA ONLY)?
Attendance centers authorized to maintain a year-round calendar must provide at least ten days of instruction (or the hourly equivalent) during eleven out of the twelve months of the school year. The break between instructional periods cannot exceed six weeks. - What are the certified contract days for teachers in Urbandale?
New teachers to Urbandale are on a 191-day contract, while returning teachers have a 188-day contract. - How many hours of professional learning are required for staff?
Staff are required to participate in a minimum of 36 hours of professional learning.