School News

Rare Disease Awareness Day
Created on February 29th, 2024On Leap Day, February 29th, Valerius first graders celebrated Rare Disease Awareness, which comes on Leap Day because it is the rarest day of the year. They did this by celebrating their classmate Maggie, who is the only 1st grader with Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD) in the whole state of Iowa. MLD is a rare hereditary disease characterized by the accumulation of fats called sulfatides.
Maggie’s class celebrated by drawing rainbows and zebras, the mascot for Rare Diseases. Maggie’s mom also came in and read a book to the students and talked about Maggie and MLD. This year Maggie was also the Iowa kid captain and her family is a huge advocate and sharer about Maggie and MLD.