School News

Webster 2nd Graders A-Buzz for Pollinators
Created on March 28th, 2024On Wednesday, March 27 the Webster Elementary second graders got a special visit from Polk County Conservationist, Lewis Major, to learn about the importance of pollinators and their jobs. The students learned about why bees are black and yellow, have fur, and other ways their bodies have developed to allow them to spread pollen. The students also learned about the life cycles of plants, what types of plants can pollinate, and that even the wind is a pollinator.
The students wrapped up their time with Lewis by doing their own pollinating with pipe cleaners and cocoa powder to demonstrate how pollinators pick up pollen and carry it from one flower to another. What a fun and interactive way to learn about nature! Thank you to Polk County Conservationist Lewis Major! #WebsterPride #UBelongHere