School News

Pond Learning Walk Valerius news

Valerius ELP 5th Grade Students Host A “Pond Learning Walk”

At the beginning of the school year, Valerius Elementary fifth grade students in the Extended Learning Program (ELP) were interested in studying the health of the pond adjacent to their school located in Walker Johnston Park. Students were curious to learn every aspect of the pond ecosystem. In addition to their own classroom learning, Valerius ELP Teacher Laura Hecht invited professionals from the community to guide students in their analysis. Professionals included a science consultant from the AEA, Fisheries Research Biologists from DNR, and a Community Education outreach professional from the Urbandale Public Works Department. 

Following in-depth research and experiments, the students determined the pond is healthy. Each student created materials about different elements of a healthy pond ecosystem. Students then hosted a two-day Pond Learning Walk in the Maker Space area of the school to showcase their work to all Valerius K-5 students.  

What amazing work by these outstanding students! Many thanks to Valerius Extended Learning Program Teacher, Laura Hecht, for facilitating and leading this fantastic project for students. What an incredible way to bring learning to life! Well-done, Valerius! #proudofU